The resort of Varadero, the largest in Cuba, aspires to the Best Beach in the world, this 2020,
according to Ibis Fernández, delegate of the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) in the province of Matanzas.
Located on the north coast of Matanzas and 140 kilometers east of Havana, it is a scene of multiple nautical activities,
it was chosen as the second best beach in the world in the Traveler's Choice 2019 awards,
published on the TripAdvisor tourism website, American site where Users are the ones who provide
most of the content.
The directive express: "This implies a better quality of services, high standard products for customers,
and that bathers can better enjoy this valuable natural resource with improvements in the
areas of shade, and greater integrality in coastal furniture". During the recently held VI International Symposium
on Integrated Management and Environmental Management of Beach and Coastal Ecosystems,
experts praised the correct strategy of integral management of this famous spa,
which has allowed its sustained use for the tourism.
The general coordinator of the Ibero-American Network Proplayas, commented in that event to
be impressed by the good management developed by the authorities of this famous tourist center.
The general characteristics that distinguish Varadero beach are 23 kilometers long,
average width of 22 meters from the sand strip, average height of the dune of one meter, and average bath strip near 30
meters. Plants such as Caleta, Hicaco, Cimarrón Avocado, Coastal Guano, Beans and Beach Rice also
characterize the locality, while in the fauna the coastal puppy or coiled tail iguana occupy a significant place,

and numerous species of birds.