Cuba, with the largest representation among some thirty participants from seven nations, won the most awards of the underwater photography contest Fotosub 2018, which took place at the Faro Luna Diving Center, in Cienfuegos.
The Cuban photographer Manuel Carmenate deserved the grand prize of the event to obtain medals in all the categories of the contest: Macro, Fauna, Environment and Environment with model, in which only one photo could be delivered to the jury.
The Cuban Julio Ruiz won the first place in the specialty of Macro, which was also recognized his fellow Manuel Carmenate and Angel Cristóbal Roca, in that order.
In the Fauna category, Ruiz repeated the place of honor, seconded by Manuel Carmenate and Luis Muiño, also Cubans.
Muiño was also crowned in the Environment category, escorted by Manuel Carmenate and the Chilean Raúl Geisse San Martin, with special mention for the Mexican Olga Buitrón.
Ambiance with model was led by Elián López, from Cuba, and it was his daughter, Nicole López, 13, who posed for the photo.
Second and third positions in this modality reached Manuel Carmenate and Jorge Manuel Zamora.
The participants made a total of five dives, four of them to take the pictures, and all of little more than one hour, depending on the amount of oxygen available and the preparation of the participants.